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Teilenummer | Stückzahl | Hersteller | Datumscode | Beschreibung | |
MC7808CT | 48 | MOTOROLA | 9424 | REGULATEUR 8V 1 A 7808 TO220 | Informationen anfordern |
MC7808CT | 23 | - | Regulateur MC7808CT 8V Boitier TO 220 | Informationen anfordern | |
MC7808CT | 2 | MOTOROLA | 9407 | - | Informationen anfordern |
MC7808CT | 17 | MOTOROLA | 87+ | - | Informationen anfordern |
MC7809CD2TR4 | 12000 | ON SEMICONDUCTOR | 0434 | IC VOLT REGULATOR FIXED +9V BIPOLAR SIP | Informationen anfordern |
MC7809CD2TR4G | 149 | ON | 0601 | IC VOLT REGULATOR FIXED 9V BIPOLAR SIP | Informationen anfordern |
MC7809CD2TR4G | 2110 | ON SEMICONDUCTOR | 06 | IC.REG.CMS L7809AC 9V D2PAK SP | Informationen anfordern |
MC7809CD2TR4G | 1660 | ON-SEMICONDUCTOR | 07+ | IC VOLT REGULATOR FIXED 9V BIPOLAR | Informationen anfordern |
MC7809CT | 47 | ONSEMI | - | REGUL TENSION 9V TO220AC | Informationen anfordern |
MC7809CT | 57 | - | REGUL. MC7809CT TO220 | Informationen anfordern | |
MC7810ECT | 1 | FAIRCHILD | 0726 | REGULATEUR 7810 TO 220 | Informationen anfordern |
MC7812ABD2TG | 48 | ONS | - | CMS Régulateur MC 7812ABD2T | Informationen anfordern |
MC7812BT | 211 | MOTOROLA | - | TRAD TO220 Régulateur à tension positive | Informationen anfordern |
MC7812BTG | 50 | ON | 1109 | - | Informationen anfordern |
MC7812C | 30 | - | MC7812C TO220 | Informationen anfordern | |
MC7812C | 50 | FAIRCHILD | 0126 | REGULATEUR TO220 7812 | Informationen anfordern |
MC7812CK | 6 | MOTOROLA | 8045 | régulateur MC 7812CK | Informationen anfordern |
MC7812CK | 2 | Motorola | 8640 | Régulateur positif TO-3 Metal | Informationen anfordern |
MC7812CK | 5 | MOTOROLA | 8831 | REGULATEUR 12V TO3 | Informationen anfordern |
MC7812CT | 22 | MOTOROLA | 98 | REGULATEUR 12V 1 A 7812 TO220 | Informationen anfordern |
MC7812CT | 15 | MOTOROLA | 0009 | - | Informationen anfordern |
MC7812CT | 52 | MOTOROLA | - | REGUL TENSION 12V TO220AC | Informationen anfordern |
mc7812ct | 21 | - | REGULATEUR DE TENSION +12V TO220 (mc 781 | Informationen anfordern | |
MC7812CT | 29 | ON | 0135 | REGULATEUR 12V 413020006 | Informationen anfordern |
MC7812CT | 7 | ON | - | REGULATEUR 12V TO220 | Informationen anfordern |
MC7812CT | 100 | ON | - | REGULATEUR 12V TO220 | Informationen anfordern |
MC7812CTG | 33 | ON | 0830 | REGULATEUR 12V | Informationen anfordern |
MC7815ABD2T | 89 | ON-SEMI | - | IC CMS D2PACK MC7815ABD2T | Informationen anfordern |
MC7815ABD2TG | 500 | ON SEMICONDUCTOR | - | CMS D²PACK Régulateur de tension Vs:15V | Informationen anfordern |
MC7815BDTG | 525 | ON SEMICONDUCTOR | - | CMS DPAK Régulateur linéaire Vs:15V Is:1 | Informationen anfordern |
MC7815BTC | 2285 | ON | 2011 | - | Informationen anfordern |
MC7815BTG | 22 | ON | 0831 | REGULATEUR 15V | Informationen anfordern |
MC7815CK | 18 | MOTOROLA | 8749 | régulateur MC 7815CK | Informationen anfordern |
MC7815CK | 2 | MOTOROLA | 8416 | REG TO3 +15V | Informationen anfordern |
MC7815CK | 20 | Motorola | 8628 | Régulateur positif TO-3 Metal | Informationen anfordern |
MC7815CT | 5 | MOTOROLA | 0005 | 15V 1A | Informationen anfordern |
MC7815CT | 24 | MOTOROLA | - | IC.ANALOG.7815C TO220P C1 | Informationen anfordern |
MC7815CT | 50 | MOTOROLA | 9339 | REGULATEUR +15V 1 AMP. TO220 | Informationen anfordern |
MC7815CT | 25 | MOTOROLA | 9812 | - | Informationen anfordern |
MC7815CT | 78 | Motorola | 8936 | Régulateur positif TO-220 Metal/Epoxy | Informationen anfordern |
MC7815CT | 8 | MOTOROLA | 9726 | - | Informationen anfordern |
MC7815CT | 2 | MOTOROLA | 08+ | MC7815CT CIRCUITINT | Informationen anfordern |
MC7815CT | 8 | ON-SEMI | 0523 | - | Informationen anfordern |
MC7815CTG | 152 | ONS | - | Régulateur MC 7815 CT TO220 | Informationen anfordern |
MC7815CTG | 1990 | ONS | 10 | Informationen anfordern | |
MC7818C | 115 | MOTOROLA | 8945 | - | Informationen anfordern |
MC7818CT | 50 | - | MC7818CT T0220 | Informationen anfordern | |
MC7818CT | 25 | MOTOROLA | - | REGUL TENSION 18V TO220AC | Informationen anfordern |
MC7818CTG | 36 | ON | 1040 | CIRC INTEGRE MC7818 | Informationen anfordern |
MC7818CTG | 48 | ON | 0615 | TRS-REGUL.FIXE 18V TO220 4% 1A | Informationen anfordern |
MC7824 | 5 | 95 | - | Informationen anfordern | |
MC7824CK | 343 | MOTOROLA | 80+ | régulateur MC 7824CK | Informationen anfordern |
MC7824CK | 19 | MOTOROLA | 8337 | REGULATEUR TO3 | Informationen anfordern |
MC7824CP | 1 | MOTOROLA | 7321 | - | Informationen anfordern |
MC7824CT | 309 | - | MC7824CT TO220 VRAC | Informationen anfordern | |
MC7824CTG | 20 | ON SEMI | - | B:CI::TO92:REGUL.24V 1A5 | Informationen anfordern |
MC7824CT | 15 | Motorola | 8627 | Régulateur positif TO-220 Metal/Epoxy | Informationen anfordern |
MC7824CT | 615 | MOTOROLA | 9049 | REGULATEUR +24V TO220 | Informationen anfordern |
MC7824CT | 1850 | ON | - | REGULATEUR 24V TO220 | Informationen anfordern |
MC78L05ABD | 1993 | - | - | Informationen anfordern | |
MC78L05ABP | 1665 | MOTOROLA | - | TRAD TO92 Régulateur de tension linéaire | Informationen anfordern |
MC78L05ABPG | 417 | ON | 06 | CU MC78L05ABP Ind TO92 | Informationen anfordern |
MC78L05ACD | 467 | MOTOROLA | 1998+ | REGULATEUR SO8Package marked: 8L05A | Informationen anfordern |
MC78L05ACD | 31 | ON | - | CI CMS REGULATEUR 78L05ACM | Informationen anfordern |
MC78L05ACD | 2 | ON SEMI | - | CI REG SOP8 | Informationen anfordern |
MC78L05ACD | 2201 | MOTOROLA | - | CMS SO8 Régulateur 5V Ismax:100mA 0°C à | Informationen anfordern |
MC78L05ACDG | 61 | ON | - | REGULATEUR 5V | Informationen anfordern |
MC78L05ACDR2 | 1860 | MOTOROLA | 9825 | - | Informationen anfordern |
MC78L05ACDR2G | 660 | ON-SEMI | 1109 | 1PMC78L05ACDR2G | Informationen anfordern |
MC78L05ACDR2G | 1753 | ON | 1149 | IC REG LINEAR 5V 100MA 8SOIC | Informationen anfordern |
MC78L05ACDR2G | 1750 | ON | 0513 | REGULATEUR 5V CMS | Informationen anfordern |
MC78L05ACP | 47 | MOTOROLA | 96+ | 100mA | Informationen anfordern |
MC78L05ACP | 50 | MOTOROLA | 99 | - | Informationen anfordern |
MC78L05ACP | 100 | MOTOROLA | 9750 | REGULATEUR 5V 0.1A 78L05 TO92 | Informationen anfordern |
MC78L05ACP | 140 | Motorola | 8924 | Régulateur positif TO-92 Plastique | Informationen anfordern |
MC78L05ACP | 2666 | MOTOROLA | - | TRAD TO92 Régulateur de tension Vs:5V Is | Informationen anfordern |
MC78L05ACP | 715 | MOTOROLA | 0234 | - | Informationen anfordern |
MC78L05ACP | 89 | MOTOROLA | - | REGULATEUR +5V TO92 | Informationen anfordern |
MC78L08ACDG | 17 | ON SEMI | 11 | IC-78L08AC SO8 REGUL. FIXE 8V 5% 100mA | Informationen anfordern |
MC78L08ACP | 14 | MOTOROLA | - | REGULATEUR +8V 78L08 TO92 | Informationen anfordern |
MC78L08ACP | 76 | MOTOROLA | - | - | Informationen anfordern |
MC78L08ACP | 20 | MOTOROLA | - | REGUL TENSION 8V TO92 | Informationen anfordern |
MC78L08ACP | 1347 | MOTOROLA | 9604 | REGULATEUR 8V TO92 | Informationen anfordern |
MC78L09ABDG | 281 | ON SEMICONDUCTOR | - | IC MC78L09ABD SO8 | Informationen anfordern |
MC78L12ABD | 4 | MOTOROLA | NA | SOIC8 | Informationen anfordern |
MC78L12ABD | 126 | ON SEMICONDUCTOR | - | REGULATEUR 35V/12V | Informationen anfordern |
MC78L12ACD | 27 | - | - | 12V 100mA | Informationen anfordern |
MC78L12ACD | 96 | MOTOROLA | 00 | REGULATEUR +12V 500MA CMS | Informationen anfordern |
MC78L12ACD | 8 | MOTOROLA | - | REG.CMSLINABAISSO812V100mA | Informationen anfordern |
MC78L12ACD | 89 | - | REG SO8 MC78L12ACD ONS | Informationen anfordern | |
MC78L12ACDG | 291 | ON SEMI | 1535 | CIRCUIT INTEGRE CMS | Informationen anfordern |
MC78L12ACP | 1 | MOTOROLA | 9813 | IC REG 78L12 TO92 12V | Informationen anfordern |
MC78L12ACP | 15 | MOTOROLA | 00 | - | Informationen anfordern |
MC78L12ACP | 1 | MOTOROLA | 9532 | - | Informationen anfordern |
MC78L12ACP | 47 | MOTOROLA | - | REGULATEUR 12V | Informationen anfordern |
MC78L15ACD | 2299 | MOTOROLA | - | CI ANA 78L15 SO 8 | Informationen anfordern |
MC78L15ACDR2G | 5995 | ON-SEMI | 11 | 1PMC78L15ACDR2G | Informationen anfordern |
MC78L15ACP | 100 | FAIRCHILD | 0350 | - | Informationen anfordern |
MC78L15ACP | 180 | - | MC78L15ACP TO92 | Informationen anfordern | |
MC78L15ACP | 5 | MOTOROLA | NA | - | Informationen anfordern |
MC78L15ACP | 7 | MOTOROLA | - | REGUL TENSION 15V TO92 | Informationen anfordern |
MC78L15ACP | 10 | MOTOROLA | - | REGULATEUR 15V TO92 | Informationen anfordern |
MC78L18ACP | 5 | MOTOROLA | 97+ | Fixe Positive 18V | Informationen anfordern |
MC78LC18NTR | 1705 | ON | 0319 | VOLT REGUL 1.8V S0T23.5|IC REG LDO MICR | Informationen anfordern |
MC78LC30/NTR | 17 | - | CI SOT235 MC78LC30/NTR | Informationen anfordern | |
MC78LC33NTRG | 1113 | 2007 | IC MC78LC33NTRG SOT23-5 | Informationen anfordern | |
MC78LC50NTRG | 210 | ON SEMICONDUCTOR | - | REGUL 78LC50 SOT23-5 | Informationen anfordern |
MC78M05ABDT | 30 | ON SEMI | - | REGUL TENSION 5V SOT89 | Informationen anfordern |
MC78M05ABT | 2 | ON SEMI | - | REGUL TENSION 5V TO220AC | Informationen anfordern |
MC78M05AC | 4085 | SAMSUNG | - | MC78M05AC TO220 | Informationen anfordern |
MC78M05BDTG | 22 | On Semiconduc | 2010+ | REGLINABAISDPAK5V500mA-40à+125°C | Informationen anfordern |
MC78M05BDTG | 3 | ON SEMI | - | CIRCUIT INTEGRE | Informationen anfordern |
MC78M05C | 2000 | - | MC78M05C TO220 | Informationen anfordern | |
MC78M05CDT | 4 | MOTOROLA | - | REG LIN ABAIS DPACK 5V 500mA | Informationen anfordern |
MC78M05CDT | 12 | ON-SEMICONDUCTOR | 0045 | - | Informationen anfordern |
MC78M05CDT | 760 | - | REGUL. MC78M05CDT TO252AA | Informationen anfordern | |
MC78M05CDT | 1370 | MOTOROLA | 0009 | MC78M05ACDT | Informationen anfordern |
MC78M05CDT | 202 | MOTOROLA | - | CMS DPACK Régulateur de tension fixe 5V | Informationen anfordern |
MC78M05CDT | 18 | MOTOROLA | - | - | Informationen anfordern |
MC78M05CDTG | 225 | ON SEMI | 0605 | SANS PLOMB | Informationen anfordern |
MC78M05CDTG | 11 | ON | 1001 | 1C REG MC78M05CDT DPAK +5V | Informationen anfordern |
MC78M05CDTG | 200 | ON | 12+ | - | Informationen anfordern |
MC78M05CDTG | 100 | On Semiconductor | 1047 | REGLINABAISDPAK5V500mA | Informationen anfordern |
MC78M05CDTR | 2250 | STM | - | IC TO252-3 DPACK MC78M05CDTR | Informationen anfordern |
MC78M05CDTRK | 628 | ON | 0403 | IC VOLT REGULATOR DPAK-3 | Informationen anfordern |
MC78M05CDTRKG | 1622 | ON SEMI | 11 | 1PMC78M05CDTRKG | Informationen anfordern |
MC78M05CDTRKG | 1280 | ON SEMICONDUCTOR | 0739 | S IC MC78M05 TO252 P REGULATEUR | Informationen anfordern |
MC78M05CT | 25 | ON SEMI | 0417 | T IC 78M05 TO220 | Informationen anfordern |
MC78M05CT | 28 | ON-SEMICONDUCTOR | - | - | Informationen anfordern |
MC78M05CT | 238 | Motorola | 8639 | Régulateur positif TO-220 Metal/Epoxy | Informationen anfordern |
MC78M05CT | 45 | ON SEMI | - | REGUL LIN 5V TO220 | Informationen anfordern |
MC78M05CT | 1 | ON SEMI | 0420 | - | Informationen anfordern |
MC78M05CTG | 10 | ON SEMICONDUCTOR | 2010 | Régulateur 78M05C +5V TO220 | Informationen anfordern |
MC78M06CDT | 68 | MOTOROLA | 2001 | MC78M06CDT REGULATEUR | Informationen anfordern |
MC78M08CDT | 220 | - | Régulateur +8V MC78M08CDT ou BDTG boîtie | Informationen anfordern | |
MC78M08CDT | 12 | ON SEMI | - | CI REG TO220 | Informationen anfordern |
MC78M08CT | 45 | ON SEMI | - | REGUL LIN 8v TO220 | Informationen anfordern |
MC78M09CDTRKG | 2073 | ON SEMICONDUCTOR | 1548 | REGUL MC78M09CDTG DPAK | Informationen anfordern |
MC78M12ABDTG | 437 | ON SEMI | - | REGUL TENSION 12V DPAK | Informationen anfordern |
MC78M12ABDT | 64 | ON SEMICONDUCTOR | - | CMS DPACK-3 Régulateur de tension Vs:12V | Informationen anfordern |
MC78M12ABT | 2 | ON SEMI | - | REGUL TENSION 12V TO220 | Informationen anfordern |
MC78M12BDT | 68 | ON SEMICONDUCTOR | - | REGULATEUR CMS 12V | Informationen anfordern |
MC78M12CDT | 10 | ON-SEMICONDUCTOR | 0120 | 500 mA Positive Voltage|Regulators | Informationen anfordern |
MC78M12CDTG | 23 | ON | 0926 | IC REG MC78M12CDT DPAK +12V | Informationen anfordern |
MC78M12CDTG | 101 | ON | 2007+ | REG.CMSLINABAISDPAK12V500mA | Informationen anfordern |
MC78M12CDTG | 5 | On Semiconductor | 14 | REG.CMSLINABAISDPAK12V500mA | Informationen anfordern |
MC78M12CDTG | 60 | ON | 0727 | IC-78M12 DPAK REGUL. 12V 500mA | Informationen anfordern |
MC78M12CDTG | 19 | OnSemi | 16 | REG.CMS LIN ABAIS DPAK 12V 500 | Informationen anfordern |
MC78M12CTG | 619 | ON SEMICON | 0728 | IC*VREG*78M12 TO-220/4*FIX*500mA*11.4>BI | Informationen anfordern |
MC78M15CT | 10 | MOTOROLA | - | REGUL TENSION 15V TO220AC | Informationen anfordern |
MC78PC18NTRG | 11 | ONS | - | CMS Régulateur MC78PC18NTRG | Informationen anfordern |
MC78PC18NTRG | 11 | ON SEMICONDUCTOR | 2012 | CMS Régulateur MC78PC18NTRG SOT23-5 | Informationen anfordern |
MC78T05CK | 18 | Motorola | 8350 | Régulateur TO-3 Metal | Informationen anfordern |
MC78T12CT | 2 | MOTOROLA | 9738 | - | Informationen anfordern |
MC78T15ACT | 34 | ON | 0303 | MICROCIRCUIT.ANALOG | Informationen anfordern |
MC78T15ACT | 10 | ON | - | REGULATEUR +15V 3A TO220 | Informationen anfordern |
MC7905BT | 183 | MOTOROLA | - | TRAD TO220 Régulateur à tension négative | Informationen anfordern |
MC7905C | 99 | DIVERS | - | REGULATEUR 5V NEGATIF TO220 | Informationen anfordern |
MC7905CK | 6 | Motorola | 8516 | Régulateur négatif TO-3 Metal | Informationen anfordern |
MC7905CK | 11 | MOTOROLA | 8603 | REGULATEUR | Informationen anfordern |
MC7905CT | 46 | MOTOROLA | 9618 | REGULATEUR - 5V 1 AMP. TO220 | Informationen anfordern |
MC7905CT | 28 | MOTO | - | MC7905CT TO220 | Informationen anfordern |
MC7905CT | 4 | MOTOROLA | 9527 | - | Informationen anfordern |
MC7905CT | 41 | MOTOROLA | - | REGULATEUR MC7905 CT (0>125°C) TO220 | Informationen anfordern |
L7905CV | 7 | ST | 18 | REG ABAIS TO220 -5V 1à1.5A | Informationen anfordern |
MC7905T | 48 | MOTO | - | MC7905CT TO220 | Informationen anfordern |
MC7906CT | 80 | MOTOROLA | 99 | - | Informationen anfordern |
MC7906CT | 300 | Motorola | 9933 | Régulateur négatif TO-220 Metal/Epoxy | Informationen anfordern |
MC7908C | 10 | Motorola | 8905 | Régulateur négatif TO-220 Metal/Epoxy | Informationen anfordern |
MC7908CT | 216 | MOTOROLA | 93 | CI 7908C TO220 PLAST | Informationen anfordern |
MC7908CT | 37 | MOTOROLA | - | REGUL TENSION -8V TO220AC | Informationen anfordern |
MC7912BT | 38 | ON-SEMI | - | - | Informationen anfordern |
MC7912BT | 33 | MOTOROLA | - | TRAD TO220 Régulateur à tension négative | Informationen anfordern |
MC7912C | 8 | MOTOROLA | 8924 | REGULATEUR TO220 | Informationen anfordern |
MC7912CK | 23 | Motorola | 8652 | Régulateur négatif TO-3 Metal | Informationen anfordern |
MC7912CK | 1 | MOTOROLA | 8713 | REGUL TENSION -12V TO3 | Informationen anfordern |
MC7912CT | 48 | MOTOROLA | 93+ | REGULATEUR -12V 1 AMP. TO220 | Informationen anfordern |
MC7912CT | 45 | MOTOROLA | - | - | Informationen anfordern |
MC7912CT | 16 | MOTOROLA | 8652 | - | Informationen anfordern |
MC7912CT | 12 | MOTOROLA | - | REGUL TENSION -12V TO220AC | Informationen anfordern |
MC7912CT | 52 | FAIRCHILD | - | CIRC INTEGRE MC7912CT | Informationen anfordern |
MC7912CT | 49 | MOTOROLA | - | REGULATEUR | Informationen anfordern |
MC7912CT | 492 | MOTOROLA | - | REGULATEUR -12V TO220 | Informationen anfordern |
MC7912CTG | 13 | OnSemi | 18 | REG TO220 -12V 1.5A 15W | Informationen anfordern |
MC7915BD2TG | 550 | ON SEMICONDUCTOR | - | CMS D²PACK Régulateur de tension Vs:-15V | Informationen anfordern |
MC7915C | 544 | MOTOROLA | 90+ | REGULATEUR 7915 CT | Informationen anfordern |
MC7915CK | 2 | MOTOROLA | 8436 | REG TO3 -15V | Informationen anfordern |
MC7915CT | 7 | MOTOROLA | 00 | 15V 1A | Informationen anfordern |
MC7915CT | 5 | MOTOROLA | 9447 | REGULATEUR L7915CV REF 02489 | Informationen anfordern |
L7915CV | 26 | STM | - | REGUL TENSION -15V TO220AC | Informationen anfordern |
MC7918CK | 43 | Motorola | 8421 | Régulateur négatif TO-3 Metal | Informationen anfordern |
MC7924CT | 62 | Motorola | 8852 | Régulateur négatif TO-220 Metal/Epoxy | Informationen anfordern |
MC79L05ABD | 37 | ONSEMI | - | MICROSTRUCTURE ANALOGIQUE | Informationen anfordern |
MC79L05ABP | 1238 | MOTOROLA S | - | REG MC79L05ABP TO92 | Informationen anfordern |
MC79L05ACD | 3 | TEXAS INSTRUMENTS | 93 | REG.CMS LIN ABAIS SO8 -5V 100mA | Informationen anfordern |
MC79L05ACD | 582 | - | - | Informationen anfordern | |
MC79L05ACD | 1495 | TI | - | CMS SO8 Régulateur de tension négative V | Informationen anfordern |
MC79L05ACDR | 5300 | TEXAS | 1992 | CI CMS | Informationen anfordern |
MC79L05ACDR2G | 526 | ON | 05 | SO08 | Informationen anfordern |
MC79L05ACLPTO92 | 1136 | TEXAS | - | REGULATEUR -5V TO92 TEXAS 554REG.T | Informationen anfordern |